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A Startup looking to start making impact?

Become a member and join as a startup and gain access to Business growth & access to funding opportunities. Based on your startup membership type advisory services is included to help you accelerate your growth. Network and collaborate with peers, like-minded changemakers as well as innovative private and public organizations. By getting access to our Community Platform you will get access to events and knowledge based. Choose your membership and get flexible hours to our Work space. Enjoy a great working infrastructure at downtown Oranjestad or at any of our 100+ locations across the globe.

An impact maker entrepreneur looking for connection and inspiration?

Join our network and connect with fellow like minded entrepreneurs, each working toward sustainable growth. Get matched for collaboration on projects and/or services. As a members you will get access to our business support services and vibrant workspace, downtown Oranjestad. Traveling abroad? No worries. Get access to any of our 100+ locations across the world.


Events + Meetups
A forward-thinking organization looking to become more sustainable?

For corporate and public institutions, we offer a partnership opportunity to collectively amplify innovation and foster a culture of sustainability. By joining forces with us, we guide your organization into embedding Sustainability within your organization and culture. As partner receive benefits for your organization such as special discount for flex-working and meetings.



Change the future today

Tomorrow is too late

We believe that the time to act is now. Changing the future for the better starts today.

We are facing a climate and biodiversity crisis. The world is not on track to achieving its sustainability objectives. On the contrary: on many measures, from CO2 emissions to species loss, we are moving in the opposite direction. We are not doing well creating a more equal world either. In many places across the globe, the inequality gap is widening. Nearly half of humanity lives on less than $5.50 a day.

Entrepreneurship accelerates the transition to a greener and fairer planet.


Impact Hub in numbers

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