Impact Hub Aruba Program

Evolve: Business Transformation Accelerator

Evolve: Business Transformation Accelerator

Transform Your Business in Just 12 Weeks

Are you an entrepreneur or business leader striving to adapt, grow, and excel in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing market? If you answered yes, Evolve is designed explicitly for you.

Program Highlights

🌱 Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile

  • Cutting-edge assessment tool that examines participants skills and capabilities to drive innovation & growth.

💡 Business Model Assessment & Redesign

  • Analyze your existing model and pivot strategies to maintain market relevance.

💰 Financial Planning Reset

  • Reset and adapt your financial models for the modern marketplace.

📢 Marketing and (Re)branding

  • Revamp your brand to resonate with a changing customer base.

📍 Business Repositioning Toolkit

  • Strategic tools to realign your business in a new or evolving market.

🤖 AI 101

  • Get a deep dive into AI and how it can offer you a competitive edge.

📱 Social Media Management

  • Optimize your social media channels for engagement and conversions tailored to your seasoned audience.

Ideal Candidates

  • Seasoned business owners experiencing stagnant growth or declining revenues.
  • Entrepreneurs facing challenges in adapting to new market trends or technologies.
  • Long-standing enterprises looking for a modern reboot.

Take advantage of this amazing opportunity sign up today!

Dates: October 11 – December 14
Time: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Location: Impact Hub Aruba, Harbour House
Price: AWG 2500* (Payment via Bank transfer or Debit/Credit)
*A down-payment is required. Payment plan is available.

Evolve: Business Transformation Accelerator

To register, complete the following form: