Impact Hub Aruba Training

Brand Management

Impact Hub is continuously developing new and enticing Masterclasses, Trainings & Programs.

New Course ‘Brand Management’

Learn how to better manage your Brand by learning the theoretical foundations of brand management. You will get practical hands-on training in building your brand kit, developing brand guidelines, how to better collaborate with designers, and conducting market research.

Provided by Impact Hub recognized trainer, Digital Marketing expert and Facilitator ‘Ivy Lacle’.

Register Today!

Dates: June 19, 26, July 3, 10, 17
Time: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Location: Impact Hub Aruba, Harbour House
Price: AWG 575 (Payment via Bank transfer or Debit/Credit)

If you are a student, get a 20% discount, by showing your Student ID card.

Ask for our payment plan.