Impact Hub Aruba Session

Introduction to ChatGPT for Business

Impact Hub is continuously developing new and enticing Masterclasses, Training & Programs.

‘Introduction to ChatGPT for Business’

As a business or entrepreneur, you are always looking for ways to stay ahead of the competition and grow your business. Artificial Inteligence (AI) has the potential to transform the way you do business, providing you with valuable insights and automating tedious tasks.

In this presentation, we will introduce you to ChatGPT and provide you with insights into how it can improve your business operations, improve customer engagement, and increase productivity. We will also discuss the ethical considerations surrounding the use of ChatGPT in business and how to ensure that your use of AI aligns with your values and goals.

Date: April 20th
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: Impact Hub Aruba, Harbour House
Price Members: AWG 25
Price Non-Members: AWG 50 (Payment via Bank transfer or Debit/Credit) *Refunds cannot be offered for non-attendance.